You know what I said about adventures, right? Now see, since it was aimed at a younger audience then SatAM, it had morals at the end of it's show called, Sonic Sez. Here are some. Please agree with me after this that this show was for littler kids then SatAM.  

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After watching at least two of those (possibly one) you can tell this show is for little kids. It's not as little as Barney, but I would say ages 4 to 8 will get the best of it. 

Sonic Comic Theme This TV show is from 1993! When it was canceled, the comic continued the story. Here is the first episode, watch it from up to down. Then at the bottom are some looks at the epic four-story arc, project Endgame! (The death of Robotnik made the way for the coming of Eggman, an alternate version of Robotnik from a parrallel demension) If you saw the Sparta Remixes on my random thoughts page, those are from a different show, in case you were noticing a much differnt style than this. THat show was called, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, (which I don't hate but don't love) this show is Sonic the Hedgehog or SatAM for short. (It stands for this: Sat=Saturday AM=Morning or A.M.) The different Sonic show were, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Underground, and Sonic X, (witch I hate) but the best one is obviously the one I have made a page about. One of my favorite characters is Snively Robotnik, the Doctor's Nephew amd Lackey. I love his voice, "Yessss sirrrr, Dr. Robotnik sirrr!" 

And now, here are some pictures of Snively Robotnik! 


Here ate the theme songs for all the sonic shows. I'll admit Sonic X has a good theme, but that won't make me like it any more than I do.

Here are some Snively videos (cause he is awsome) and some more episodes including the final before the show got cancelled. I also have a powerpoint showing my link I thought up between the comic and satAM.  

My sister has requested that I put up the first episode of Sonic Underground so here it is. If you want to request anything, contact me. 

Here is a quick cool series of videos about Sonic the "awsome" Hedgehog. 

Here are some cool things I found. 

Here is the order of my favorite sonic shows from best to worst.

1.Sonic the Hedgehog (satAM)

2Sonic Underground

3.Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

4.Sonic X

This issue is issue 134 in case you were wondering 

Here are the diiferent forms of entertainment for Sonic the Hedgehog:

(Just so you can pick the right one for you)

Sonic the Hedgehog satAM*

Sonic Underground*

Sonic X***

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog*

Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic)*

Sonic the Comic (European comic)**

Sonic the Hedgehog the Movie**

Sonic the Hedgehog (game series)*

*I like it

**I have never seen it

***I don't like it

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